Title page of the What We Heard Final Report summarizing the findings from public consultations and surveys on a new long-term care homes standard.In June 2021, CSA Group launched the enhanced public consultation activities to support the development of a new National Standard of Canada for the operation and infection prevention and control of long-term care homes (CSA Z8004).

Together with CanAge, the Canadian Association for Long Term Care (CALTC), Bruyère, the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI), and Carleton University, CSA Group hosted six consultation sessions and three surveys to engage technical experts and other stakeholders and gather their perspectives and input on what the new National Standard should address.

This final report summarizes what we have heard from the long-term care homes (LTCH) residents, their families and caregivers, as well as frontline workers, LTCH management and administrators, and other stakeholders, including:

  • principles that should inform all aspects of operations, infection prevention and control (IPAC) policies and procedures, and design of LTCHs; and
  • key themes related to IPAC, resident well-being, and LTCH design and operation that emerged from the consultation activities.


CSA Group published the following What We Heard reports for each of the six consultations held:

Production of these reports has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views expressed in the reports do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.

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