Case study preview

In most commonly known industrial applications, robots are separated from humans to ensure safety.

Unlike industrial robots, medical robots, or Robotically Assisted Surgical Equipment (RASE) as they are more accurately called, are not separated from people and are used for human patients by trained operators.

They have hardware and software components to make their interactions and movements safer — such as ones that reduce the force or speed of the arm on an assistive medical robot when it approaches an operator or that help a moving robot avoid obstacles.

A new medical standard considers the unique working conditions of RASE, addressing foreseeable hazards related to surgical robots, such as movement and collision with other medical or surgical equipment.

This case study explores how manufacturers can overcome testing and certification challenges for medical robots and their safety implications to patients and medical staff.

This case study covers the following topics:

  • The rise of medical robots;
  • Safety challenges of RASE devices;
  • Exploring a new standard for RASE; and
  • Preparing RASE devices for market.